Monday, April 2, 2012

18 Weeks

We took a drive to our house yesterday. It’s sure coming along. The siding is done & painted. They’re beginning to drywall. Connor had a blast playing in the mud, rocks & construction mess. Can you say boy??? He was very sad to leave but I let him know that soon the house would be ours & we would be there every day. Of course it won’t be as messy/fun for a little boy to play in but he doesn’t need to know that yet. We paid the last bit of our earnest money yesterday. It’s amazing how much money you can pull out of your budget when you simply try. It sure makes me feel dumb for wasting money in the past. Of course staying with mom & dad helps too.

Onto the survey:

How far along are you? 18 weeks + 1 day. Inching closer to halfway done!

Current cravings? Nothing in particular.

Food aversions? Nope.

Gender? Who the heck knows?? I just want to schedule that ultrasound so I can find out! I found out during the 18th week with Connor. I wish the scheduling would work out so I could find out this week w/ this baby. It won’t be until 19 ½+ weeks. Boo.

Any milestones? A few days ago I was in bed & feeling a few taps. I put my hand down on the lowest part of my tummy & felt that 1st little kick from the outside. This morning the same thing happened but I felt it 7 times in a row! I love little baby kicks!

Other symptoms? Springing forward does not agree with this tired pregnant lady.

Maternity clothes? I think it’s time to retire this question. Yes, I’m wearing maternity clothes.

Anything different between this pregnancy & last? It’s getting trickier to find a comfortable position to hold Connor in. Didn’t have to worry about that last time.

What I miss? Sleeping through the night. Won’t be doing that for a while.

What I’m looking forward to? Finding out if there is a little boy or a little girl in there. Also looking forward to THE HUNGER GAMES!!! Less than 2 weeks!

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