Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ten Things Tuesday

1. I am wearing a skirt I wore before I got pregnant!

2. My husband didn't like my below reference to Edward. It's okay honey, I still chose you.

3. Ding! I guess I have an email.

4. It was an email from Victoria's Secret. Boooooo. They don't have my size. Come to think about it, pretty much no one does.

5. Ikea's ginger cookies are WAY too good.

6. I'm working on 2 big households at work. Hope I get 'em!
7. We took pictures at work for our business cards.

Here's mine. Of course it'll be cropped. I wacked my hair off last week. Most of the old highlites are gone!!
8. I'm currently working on a post about my life as a "single mother". Garrett's new shift is taking a toll on me.
9. We bought Connor a high chair this weekend. I can't believe he's big enough for a high chair. He's sitting unassisted too. Such a big boy!
10. It's 1:05 already. Time to think about lunch.

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